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Demo Mode

The configuration dialog window allows the display of previously acquired data available on the file system. This can easily be achieved enabling the Synthetic sampling checkbox. Consequently, the selection button Button_selection_Synthetic becomes active and allows navigating to the directory where data were stored. Activate Open button to set the selected file for display. Upon completion of these steps, the configuration window will look similar to the one below:


Note: The Synthetic sampling feature was implemented for demonstration purposes only.

The maximum number of synthetic data which can be displayed simultaneously is three.

All the configurations and settings are serialized within PSAMPLE software. This means that the last configuration is stored upon exit and available when the software is started again. This feature consents the user to have an overview of the last work performed within PSAMPLE. In case of synthetic acquisition, the Clear file or directory button Button_Clear_file_directory allows erasing quickly the last file location. The selection of the OK button confirms the new configuration.

The synthetic curve can be displayed activating the Start button. A dialog window shows a warning message that the synthetic acquisition is active and the TAC is going to be generated from the file and not received from the device.


The selection of Close button shut down the warning message. Successively, the file is read by the software. Accordingly, the curves corresponding to the activated channels are displayed.