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Image Properties

Memory Representation

The images with short Memory representation can be convert in float type activating the Convert to Float button. Note that float memory representation requires more fisical memory on your system.

Edit the Image Origin

The Origins area shows the coordinate of the image origin and allows setting it to a different location. The origin is relevant for the definition of volumes-of-interest, because they are defined relative to the origin. They are also relevant for image fusion. In hybrid imaging, the origin of the different modalities are set to the same anatomical location, so that the images can be aligned by simply aligning the origins. An origin of (0,0,0) indicates the upper left corner of the first slice.

The Origins radio button has three positions with the following meaning.

Edit the Pixel Size

The X, Y and Z fields of Pixel Size shows the current pixel size. To change them edit the values and then activate Set Pixel Size.

Edit Value Units

The Value Units selection contains the list of supported image units. To change the units select the correct unit from the list, and then activate Set Units. Note that only the interpretation of the values is changed, but that there no scaling applied to the data values.

Edit Acquisition Times

Correct acquisition times are very important for using dynamic data in a quantification process. The times can be inspected and overwritten using the Edit Time button, which shows the dialog window below.

Note the Save Time/Retrieve Time buttons which allow saving/retrieving the timing of the dynamic frames to/from a file. When closing the window with the Ok button the timing information of the series will be replaced. If changes are required, the values can be overwritten and then saved with the Ok button.