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Protocol Files

Saving a scene in VRML is limited to SR objects, and may create huge files. A more flexible alternative is to save a description of the P3D rendering in a protocol file using the save button in the taskbar to the right.

P3D Protocol Files

When such a P3D protocol is loaded again, a dialog window appears which indicates the data to be loaded.

P3D Protocol Dialog

If the user wants to apply the same rendering to similar data, he can replace the input files with the Button Change File buttons. If he wants to apply the procedure to data already loaded, the Run protocol on current data can be enabled.

Normally the scene will wiped out and replaced by the result of the protocol. To add to the current scene, the Append the protocol data and renderings to the current scene pushpin should be fixed. To create high definition VR objects the Use Volume HD option should be enabled.

The button shows a dialog window containing standard renderings definitions.

P3D Predefined Protocols

Currently, the follwoing predefined protocols are supported:

  1. Angio CT renderings are offered with and without multi-modal fusion.
  2. Bones (CT)
  3. AAL VOI
  4. Mouse (CT+NM)

Note that when a predefined protocol is selected, appropriate input file have to be set using the Button Change Filebutton. Alternatively, the predefined protocol can be applied to data already loaded enabling the Run protocol on current data radio button. Optionally, the Use Volume HD checkbox can be activated to create high definition VR objects.